Thursday 17 April 2014

Caramel Egg Brownies

It is Easter time. And these are perfect. Sorry about the picture firstly, it didn't even get the chance to cool slightly and be sliced, people came at the poor thing armed with forks and spoons, and it was demolished. This is the only picture taken of it, and so I have had to use it!

So, Cadbury's Caramel eggs. These are the miniature versions, and I used two bags, you could also use maybe 2 of the Cadbury's Caramel Bars instead. No point in droning on, lets get down to making these incredibly moreish bad boys...

 200g dark chocolate, minimum 70% cocoa solids
 125g unsalted butter, cubed
 250g caster sugar
 3 eggs, beaten
150g plain flour
 2 bags of miniature Cadbury's Caramel Eggs, frozen.


Okay, first thing is first. Before you plan to make these, you need to freeze your chocolate eggs. This stops the whole egg melting in the oven while it is cooking, and makes the caramel ooze out. You need to freeze them at least 3 hours before they are due to be used, I threw these in the freezer the week before (it stopped me eating them, which I 100% would have done if they were sat in my cupboard). I used these eggs, you could of course use Creme Eggs.
Now, line a 23cm square tin (or thereabouts) with greaseproof paper, and preheat your oven to 180 degrees, 160 fan or Gas Mark 4. Put the 200g of dark chocolate and your butter into a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water, do not let the bowl touch the water. While these are melting, peel your frozen chocolate eggs from their foil wrappers and leave to one side (not near the cooker!).
When you chocolate and butter has melted, it will be super glossy, like so:
Now you can take it off the heat, and add your sugar. When this mixes in, it will look grainy. This is meant to happen, so do not worry. Now add your beaten eggs, combine with the mixture, and then add your flour and combine. Pour this mixture into your tin, like so:
Now for the caramel eggs. Pop these in, either strategically or randomly, it is totally up to you, and lightly press them into the mixture.
Now, simply pop them in the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes. It should be cooked around the edge and look slightly underdone in the middle. Leave these to cool (although not totally, they are amazing warm)and then slice up and serve!
Simple, and yet so satisfying! Enjoy making these!

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