Wednesday 11 June 2014

Peach Crumble Cupcakes

I love peaches. They remind me of Summer, holidays and all manner of lovely sunny memories. I also love fruit crumble. Served with cream, custard or ice cream, it is one of those puddings that evokes all manor of feelings inside me. It is one of my favourite comfort foods.

I had the pleasure a few weeks ago of trying a peach crumble for the first time ever, and I can can honestly say I was blown away by how tasty it was, and wish I had known you could put the two together, from now on peach crumble is top of my Summer Pudding list (and I will pop a recipe on here when I make it!)

So, I wondered, how about making a crumble-type cupcake? I also love my cupcakes, and sometimes, I don't really fancy the buttercream topping, and so I have come up with this little wonder. It tastes like heaven, and combines all of my favourite things, peach, crumble and cake!

This cake is quite wet at the bottom, and I have used baking cups with this recipe, as they are lined so no liquid will seep through. You can get these from my website, here.

Tin of peach slices (or halves)
140g unsalted butter
140g caster sugar
2 eggs
1-2 tbsp milk
140g self raising flour
Crumble Topping
60g light brown sugar
60g unsalted butter
100g plain flour
2 tbsp porridge oats (Optional but such a good addition)

So, turn your oven to 180 degrees, 160 fan or Gas Mark 4 and line a baking tray or muffin pan with 12 baking cups.

To start, take your peaches out of the tin, keeping the juices to one side, and chop your peaches into little pieces. Now share these pieces between the baking cups like so:

You will need to keep a tablespoon or two of the juice for the cake mix, but the you can put some of the syrup/juice in the bottom of the cup.

Now to make your cake mix. In a bowl, mix together your butter and sugar until pale and creamy, then add your eggs, mix, followed by your flour. Mix until just combined and then add your milk and peach juice and mix. Divide your mix into the baking cups (making sure there is enough room for your crumble topping)

Now to make your crumble mix. Simply put the sugar, butter and flour in a bowl and rub together to form a breadcrumb consistency. Then add the porridge oats and mix these in. 

Now pop a spoonful of the crumble mix into your baking cups, ensuring you leave some rising room. 

Simply pop in the oven now and bake for 18-20 minutes, until well risen and the crumble top is golden. 

You can serve these straight from the oven with a little jug of custard, cream or ice cream, or you can leave to cool and eat whenever.

However you choose to eat these, make sure you enjoy them!

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